Sunday, March 27, 2011


Tick Tick,, MARCH, The Clock Indicates It’s Time for The FEVER of MIDTERMS…… 
 In this semester as usual me and my friends were preparing  ourselves for midterm exams. We were in the fever in getting safe marks which would be included in our final results and make our G.p acceptable for us. But what happened this time is not usual, it’s fully unusual, one day we suddenly came to know that the teacher which was taking our broadcasting and national and international classes she is going to transfer to the other department and the exams and classes would be taken by other teachers. This news was enough to make us panic because the class taken by other teacher and exam would be prepared by other was miserable for us and right before the exams. In this type of situation management expect for the protest by the students and we did it but the result was not in our favor because
 “in life there is no everything according to our desires.”
We gave our midterms, we had to do and now awaiting for the results. Hope the result will be according to our will………


  1. Very well written ..truly reflects our instabilities in midterms and InshAllah we all will secure good marks in midterms =)

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