Thursday, May 5, 2011

 A video for the women, about the women, by the woman.......

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Terrorists in the appearance of Muslims:
If Muslims are terrorists then who is Terrie Jones??

Terrie Jones molested the ‘Quran’ (the Holy book of Muslims) by burning it. Since the Quran has alighted in this world there have been many issues by which non-Muslims have wounded the hearts of Muslims by doing these types of deeds. The disgraceness of Quran is very delicate matter to the Muslims on which they get emotional. Obliviously, everyone does about his religion.

At the present age, in this globalised world, Muslims considered to be as an extremist, fundamentalist and terrorist but is there only Muslims are extremist or fundamentalist? If one Muslim is extremist, he is about his religion and those deeds which are prohibited in Islam and one Muslim who is fundamentalist, he is about that rules and regulations and principles which devolve upon him by Islam. Only Islam has no existence of extremism and fundamentalism. Every religious person who thinks, he Is on the right path of his religion he would made him a fundamentalist or extremist.

Today, everywhere Muslims would be considered as ‘terrorist’. if someone kill innocent people for the sake of his so called religion and its principles he would be Muslim terrorist, if someone who is dangerous for the world’s peace he would be Muslim terrorist.
In Quran ALLAH say:
                “The murder of a human is the murder of humanity”
                                                           (Surah alameda, verse no 32)

if Quran gives the proof that a person who is killing and destroying the humanity is not human at all then, how can he be a Muslim?

About some days ago, the act of molestation of Quran done by the Christian father Terrie Jones is not that act which creates destruction on the world’s peace? Where 21% of Muslims are prospered who are very emotional about their religion and they get hurt by these types of deeds. how can Terrie Jones consider to be a true religious person, he burnt the Quran in which there are 25 times mentioned about Hazrat esa A.S (Jesus), 125 times about Hazrat Moosa A.S (Moses) and only 4 times about Hazrat Mohammad S.w.w. There is a question rises in the mind, Is he and people like him are true religious persons or terrorists?

Islam is the second largest religion of the world. But the way it is expanding in the world wide according to the research it will be the first largest religion in the next 5 years and there are daily 900 people convert to Islam in which many women are included. If Muslims are terrorists then it would be happen? Now there is a calling for consideration for all the people: Muslims are terrorists or terrorists in the appearance of Muslims?

Monday, April 4, 2011


At the present stage everybody is busy in their lives some of us are frustrated and some are facing different problems in this consternate world and don’t get the time for celebrate their happiness, joy and such gatherings like mela but JUWarians again got the chance to celebrate their happiness by organizing the fair on 26th march,Saturday,2011 from 9am to 5pm.


Raza Haroon (MPA) Sindh was the chief guest of the event and visited the university consisting with different type of stalls.
There were numbers of stalls of jwellery and different types of cosmetics girls are usually fond of it so they were taking from there.

In the event, there were many stalls containing delicious food like Chinese, burger, qasr-e-sheeren, gol gappas, chat etc.

Some stalls showing beautiful arts and crafts work which attracts everyone on it.and some girls were busy in applying mehendi on their hands.

There were different dresses of boutique which were very expensive when me and my friends asked about a dress and that price was 8000 then we got to know they were very expensive. Neck designs, pillow covers and bedsheets also were there.

Many of girls and children were playing different games and swinging as well.

Many of stalls were arranged by the students of JUW. They were incredible and were looking so good wearing attractive dresses and makeover.

Faisal Sabzwari (minister of youth) also visited the event and talk about that in the presence of dunya t.v and samaa t.v


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Cricket We Love You……….

Pakistan cricket team came back without  World Cup, facing defeat in semifinal  and did not reach at finals. These all matters are quite acceptable for us  but defeat by India in semifinal is not bearable at all. This is what we all Pakistanis generally feel about India, first of all they are rivals since long time and secondly some of Indian's religious extremist parties are rarely against with Pakistani cricket players. As we all know its 5th time in ICC WORLD CUP India and Pakistan were face to face and in previous  four matches Pakistan has thrashed by India and they are very proud of it and we were thinking our team would break their record but this time also India remain on its position. Now the people of Pakistan are dishearted and blaming Pakistani cricketers in different ways at this point I remember the song by Jawad Ahmed:
         “Tum jeeto yaa haaro sunooo.. hamen tum se pyaar hai”

when I listened this song I got emotional and thought that after listening this song  if Pakistan lose the match people would calm and cool but I got fed up when right after the match on news channels I saw the messages like: “stay there,  don’t come back”and “put out the specific player”,” match was fixed” this and that i don’t understand when Pakistan lose why people think that the match was fixed its just a game and there is win or lose always and blaming on a particular player is not right if there is a lacking it includes the whole team like our fielding and batting was not good in the semifinal. but there are also some positive point which makes me glad that is,  most of the people showing their love for the team and praised them highly they gave a big welcome to the players I think at this stage our team is not in the form that they won the World Cup, Our team’s captain was decided just before the 10 days of the tournament and team has to groom itself highly. The captain f our team has that guts that he can win World Cup for us so wait for the next 4 years, its too much... but we have to wait and now the World champion is India for the next 4 years and that is fact they were deserving and won when our team will be deserving they will win…inshaaALLAH
the last thing:
             cricket we still love you,,,,,,, team we still love you…..

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Tick Tick,, MARCH, The Clock Indicates It’s Time for The FEVER of MIDTERMS…… 
 In this semester as usual me and my friends were preparing  ourselves for midterm exams. We were in the fever in getting safe marks which would be included in our final results and make our G.p acceptable for us. But what happened this time is not usual, it’s fully unusual, one day we suddenly came to know that the teacher which was taking our broadcasting and national and international classes she is going to transfer to the other department and the exams and classes would be taken by other teachers. This news was enough to make us panic because the class taken by other teacher and exam would be prepared by other was miserable for us and right before the exams. In this type of situation management expect for the protest by the students and we did it but the result was not in our favor because
 “in life there is no everything according to our desires.”
We gave our midterms, we had to do and now awaiting for the results. Hope the result will be according to our will………

Monday, March 21, 2011

Raymond Davis, who killed two Pakistanis, released by giving the amount of ‘ Diyat’ (in Islamic shariyat) for the murder of those victims. because of this act the public of Pakistan provoked highly against the government and the family of the victims

One side the family accepted the amount of Diyat and showing their tolerance and on the other side people became enemy of them. But I think now, public don’t have rights of showing their anger towards the family. Because when they asked money for fighting the case against the murderer to the public, they gathered only 39 thousand rupees. This, broke their spirit, the family who doesn’t have enough money to fight the case against the murderer of their son, what they do? They had only one choice and that was the amount of diyat. After accepting it they went escaped and said they feel dangerous to the public. 

At this stage the only thing should be happened is that public must have to understand the feeling of victims' relatives.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


As we all know Unity Is Strength and it is the necessity of every country and its people.

In Pakistan, there was unity showed by the people of Karachi by celebrating Hamara Karachi Festival at the Tomb of QUAID-E-AZAM by the City District Government of Karachi on 5th March, Saturday 2011.

In the festival there was a walk named Unity  In Diversity Walk by the huge mass of the people out there.
 Hamara Karachi Festival inaugurated by the president of Hamara Karachi Foundation  Mrs. Nasreen Jaleel.

A large number of people including students of different schools, colleges and universities were present there and participated in the festival by showing their love for the beloved country PAKISTAN. There was a country’s flag in every student’s hand.

The singer Najam Shiraz was proved as a true motivator out there. He motivated all the people by his high energy and patriotic songs. His songs made all the people energetic and they enjoyed too much.

The splendid festival ended on the national anthem of our beloved country.

Monday, February 28, 2011


On 21st February, Monday, Debate competition held in the Anwar Sultana Auditorium of Jinnah University  For Women by Jinnah Debating Society under the presidency of Miss Tabassum Malik. Minister of youth Mr. Faisal Sabzwari was the chief guest.


In the competition students of different universities participated including Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, BIZTECH, Sir Syed University and Karachi University. Debates were delivered on different topics in both languages English and Urdu.

 After the competition, the chair person of  Islamic learning department of  Jinnah University and PRO of the university miss Surayya Qamar came up and thanked Mr. Faisal Sabzwari for his presence and congratulated the students of Jinnah University for completing two years of Jinnah Debating society and appreciated the performance of the students and invited Mr Faisal Sabzwari to say few words.

Mr. Faisal Sabzwari addressed the students and shared some knowledge with them. After that result announced, in English, first prize went to Karachi University, second went to Tabani Institute, and third to Sir Syed University. In Urdu first prize went to MAJU, second BIZTECH and third went to ICM.

Mr Faisal Sabzwari distributed shields and certificates to the students and the team trophy went toSir Syed University.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


On 8th February, Tuesday, Milad replaced  in ANWAR SULTANA AUDITORIUM of JINNAH UNIVERSITY OF WOMEN from to by the department of Urdu with the co-operation of ARY digital. The main guest was Mrs. UMME HABIBA.Huge number of students were present there.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


On 29th Jan 2011, seminar was convened in JINNAH UNIVERSITY FOR WOMEN for mass communicators.

There was a lecture on Citizen Journalism by the producer and anchor Owais Mangalwala of programs of Dawn News.

He shared some information about citizen journalism. According to him: Citizen Journalist is a person who shares his experiences, opinions, experties and discoveries. Democracy is the power which is in the hand of the people, every single person has right to talk on any type of topic.

He also mentioned some key points of citizen journalist’s report, said: necessity is to be real, events are all around us we should not wait for the controversial news, reporter’s point of view needed (express by your own views and opinions), don’t even think reporter’s point of view is boring, each and everything selected by him is special and important, accuracy is the key (facts and figures should be very accurate),writing style should be proper(use right tenses and vocabulary), code of conduct/ethics matters too much in journalism, avoid plagiarism(someone else’s work), find a mentor ,gathered with people who are related to the specific field, think on criticism(how to face criticism),at the end he added:

               “everything can be reported there is no restrictions what can be reported.”

In the lecture, huge number of students of mass communication and some teachers were present there. After Owais Mangalwala, Miss Humaira Ali took part, she thanked him for coming and giving the lecture and requested him to come again.

After the lecture there was a lunch for the guests.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


student of BS (hons) mass communication.

I want to tell you little about me which is good enough to understand the whole SUMAIYA.
 I am fun loving and nature loving person.Anything out of the natural inherent does not attract me.
                         "There is sorrow and happiness already decided  in our lives
                            we,only follow the way to reach at ones."
I am also trying to follow the right way and i hope m getting good for me.
HOPE matters too much in my life.
                                               "If there is no hope, no fate"
This is it all about me..